OREANDA-NEWS. April 30, 2014. POSCO actively pursues win-win growth with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by operating an E-MBA course for their executives as it did last year.

POSCO hosted the commencement ceremony of the E-MBA course to foster strong mid-sized firms at the Future Creation Academy with the attendance of 22 executives from POSCO`s best suppliers.

This course is offered as part of POSCO`s` agreement to foster global strong mid-sized firms` so that SMEs can grow into strong mid-sized firms with over 100 billion KRW in sales by 2020. The course will cultivate the business management expertise and leadership skills of executives from POSCO`s outstanding suppliers, and provide support for the firms that participate to establish business strategies.

The e-learning program began since March this year, which will be followed by a group training, benchmarking of hidden champions (small giants), and establishment of business strategies by June this year. The sessions will be led by MBA professors from Seoul National University, Yonsei University and POSTECH, with all their capabilities already proven on POSCO`s executive course.

``We will continue to carry forward win-win growth in the field of education with SMEs that help POSCO,`` said Sun-hee Yoo, President of the Future Creation Academy. ``I hope this course provides a meaningful experience for executives to contribute to the development of the company by reinforcing their management abilities and providing support in establishing strategies for the SMEs to grow into strong mid-sized firms.``

POSCO offered about 120 curriculums for leadership, technical training and innovation to 72,000 employees of 428 SMEs last year.