OREANDA-NEWS. As part of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), Vnesheconombank's specialists held a round-table discussion "Alternative Development of Central Asia as a New Prospect for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the SOC region. The round-table discussion was held with the support of the Interbank Consortium of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (IC SOC).

The round-table discussion's participants discussed issues of replacing narco-economy with productive economyas exemplified by Afghanistan, looked into effective methods of alternative development as well as discussed prospects for making investments in small and medium-sized enterprises of SOC state members and observer states under SOC. Representatives of IC SOC member banks shared business experience in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises across the international organization's economic space.

In the attendance of the round-table discussion were representatives of banks, business circles, ministries and agencies of SOC member states and observer states under SOC.

Among the speakers at the round-table discussion were Deputy Director of the Russian Drug Control Service Nikolai Tsvetkov, Vice-President of the Trade and Industrial Chamber GeorgyPetrov, Director of the Department of Cooperation with the Customs Union and Economic Cooperation with CIS countries of the Russian Economic Development Ministry.