OREANDA-NEWS. May 05, 2014. Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), Andrey Tsyganov described the key FAS projects at a joint session of the Presidium of the Board of “OPORA RUSSIA” National Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium Business and the Presidium of the Board of the “Association of Business Organizations of Russia (OPORA)” Non-Profit Partnership.

One of the main projects is the forth antimonopoly package submitted to RF Government at the end of February. In the near future it will be discussed at a consensus panel with First Vice-Prime-Minister, Igor Shuvalov.

“We are convinced that the amendments FAS proposes to introduce to the antimonopoly law harm nobody except one category – legal entities violating the rules of competition”, emphasized Andrey Tsyganov.

The second important project of FAS is a Report on the state of competition in the Russian Federation.

“The Report is not a FAS self-evaluation document”, pointed out Deputy Head of FAS. “In each such report we endeavour to accentuate the themes of a year: the problems with sectors of the economy or in legislation that have the most adverse impact upon the state of competition and development of business in general. And we are not afraid to outline such problems because thanks to it the society becomes aware of the need to resolve particular problem. And it is translated in decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and in new norms of federal laws”.

The draft Report on the state of competition in 2013 is already published at FAS web-site. “It enables everybody to make comments and suggestions, which FAS definitely will take into account”, said Andrey Tsyganov. “If we disagree with some of the comments, they will be presented in a list of discrepancies, which will reflect the experts’ position and FAS view of the issue. It will make our work absolutely open and help substantiate the ideas that we submit to the Government”.

The third important FAS objective is the Road Map on “Developing Competition and Improving the Antimonopoly Law” prepared through discussions with business and expert communities.

According to Andrey Tsyganov, “we do underrun executing some sections of the Road Map. It is because some measures require changes to the law. Until such changes are introduced, these measures will remain unexecuted”. Overall, a positive trend of executing the Road Map is observed.

In conclusion, Andrey Tsyganov pointed out efficient enforcement of No.223-FZ Federal Law “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”. He informed that on 22nd April 2014 the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third reading a draft Federal Law on introducing changes to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations that establishes administrative liability of the ordering parties for violating the norms of the Law.

Summing up the meeting, First Vice-President of “OPORA RUSSIA”, Vladislav Korochkin, said: “FAS is the regulatory body that is a natural ally of small business. FAS is eager for appearing new players on the market”.