OREANDA-NEWS. May 06, 2014. According to the Bank’s Analytical Center Top-5 Siberian Regions in terms of SME development includes the Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo Oblasts as well as the Krasnoyarsk Krai.

The analysis of SME development in the regions was performed by the Bank within the framework of SME Lending Support Program implementation.

Since the beginning of the Program’s implementation over 4.6 thousand enterprises in the Siberian Federal District have received RUB 33 billion in lending support. The top-3 regions in terms of allocated resources are the Novosibirsk Oblast (1.5 billion rubles), the Altai Krai (1.2 billion rubles) and the Omsk Oblast (over 1 billion rubles).

The enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Kraiare also actively participating in the Program. By the beginning of this year 313 regional enterprises have received RUB 802 million in lending support. There of over 48% was channeled for innovative projects.