OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi Consulting, the global management consulting and IT services business of Hitachi Ltd., today announced that it has acquired IMGROUP, a specialist UK-based provider of Information Management and Business Intelligence solutions. The acquisition will increase Hitachi Consulting's capability to deliver measurable, sustainable business results for clients in the areas of decision making, asset optimization, risk management and customer experience. This acquisition will immediately expand Hitachi Consulting's European presence, particularly in the United Kingdom.

IMGROUP is a multiple award-winning analytics, data insight and information management consultancy. IMGROUP combines industry thought-leadership with advanced technology to help clients across the Financial Services, Media and Communications, Retail and Public sectors.

"We are very excited about the acquisition of IMGROUP. This is an outstanding consulting business with excellent business intelligence & analytics solutions. They have a proven track record for designing and implementing innovative information management strategies and technologies for large enterprise clients," said Phil Parr, President and CEO of Hitachi Consulting.

IMGROUP's expertise across Information Management, Business Intelligence, Advanced Data Analytics and Cloud Technologies strengthens Hitachi Consulting's ability to deliver solutions in the growing and rapidly evolving area of Big Data Analytics. The combined capabilities of our two firms will also help to advance our commitment to connecting technology and management consulting services to create high value solutions for our clients.

"Information Management Group was founded on the philosophy of delivering transformational business results through the innovative use of information." says Nakis Papadopoulos, CEO at IMGROUP. "Hitachi Consulting clearly shares that same passion. IMGROUP have delivered successful, sustainable change for some of the world's leading companies for 15 years and we look forward now to bringing together the talented people of IMGROUP with those of Hitachi Consulting to build on this capability and to develop a market leading position in our field."