OREANDA-NEWS. May 16, 2014. Deputy Prime Minister, Economics Minister Valeriu Lazar held a meeting with Agriculture and Food Minister Vasile Bumacov and other cabinet members to give the final touches to the text of a national strategy for agricultural and rural development.

The participants in the meeting identified formulations accepted by representatives of all institutions in charge of rural environment development, the Economics Ministry’s communication and media relations service has reported.

“The rural development is based on three pillars – development of the agri-food sector, local infrastructure and non-farm businesses. This means, in essence, development of our villages, i.e. almost of all the country, with horizontal policies, involving all state institutions, being necessary. Therefore, a very good coordination, as well as very precise responsibilities for these institutions are important,” he said.

Lazar said the Agriculture and Food Ministry (MAIA) would coordinate the activities in terms of rural environment development and would manage the funds meant for the development of agriculture and infrastructure. The other central public authorities will maintain their responsibilities, including as regards the development of rural environment, and will coordinate the work with the ministry, he said.

Some provisions were excluded from the text of document, saying that the agency for interventions and payments in agriculture had to authorise all payments and to manage all funds for development of rural environment. Under these stipulations, MAIA had to take over the competences of the Economics Ministry, Education Ministry, Environment Ministry, Regional Development and Construction Ministry, Transport and Road Infrastructure Ministry, Labour and Social Protection Ministry, Health Ministry, etc.

Once the amendments introduced, the strategy was signed by all relevant ministers, as well as by Deputy Prime Minister Valeriu Lazar. Among signatories are Regional Development and Construction Minister Marcel Raducan, Education Minister Maia Sandu and Labour and Social Protection Minister Valentina Buliga.