OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2014. Economy Minister Urve Palo is seeking to ban on all loan advertisements directed at consumers on television, radio and Internet with a bill submitted for approval to the ministry’s partners.

According to Palo, the consumer credit advertisements so far have led the public to believe that instant loans would solve everyday problems and improve one’s standard of living, but the reality is often quite the opposite, uudised.err.ee reported.

The bill would allow advertisements on the loan providers' own websites, and in print and outdoor media, but with restrictions.

The ads for consumer credit, deferred payment plans, leasing, housing loans and consumer loans can contain only the information permitted by law, such as the name and license number of the service provider, contact details, examples of the loan rates and a call to read the terms and conditions.

As of the end of January, there were 34,700 people who had problems paying back loans to companies specializing in instant loans and consumer loans. According to Swedbank’s estimates, there are more than 100,000 people who have taken out an instant loan.

There have been previous attempts at curbing advertising for consumer credit - the advertising law that entered into force last July demanded that the ads for financial services meet the principles of responsible loans.

“Unfortunately, this regulation failed to yield results and the advertising for consumer loans continues to be forceful despite the amendment,” the ministry noted.