OREANDA-NEWS. June 09, 2014. The Prosecutor's Office says that while Tere dairy did approach Prisma and other food retailers four years ago with a proposal to raise milk prices, there was no evidence that they colluded or that competition was harmed.

In September 2010, Prisma Peremarket AS sought out the Competition Authority, saying that the Selver supermarket chain and Tere pressured it to raise milk prices, and Prisma CEO  Janne Lihavainen said Tere threatened to cut off deilveries otherwise.
The case was dropped quietly last week with the Public Prosecutor's Office sending a decision to the parties, it was reported this week.

Selver has continued to cry foul, sending out a press release to the effect that it was unfairly accused and the fact that it took four years for the case to be dropped made it even worse.

"We said back in 2010 that no Selver employee has agreed with competitors on the price of milk. Unfortunately the power structures portrayed Selver as a party to a cartel agreement - without justification," said Kristi Lomp, a member of the board.