OREANDA-NEWS. Toyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. announces the formulation of its new three-year mid-term business plan “Mid-term ’14 GO BEYOND” with 2014 as the start point and 2016—three-years later—as a midpoint at which to achieve specific targets, while looking forward five years to 2018.

In May 2011, the company announced “Vision 2020,” our vision for the Toyo Tires group in 2020, as well as “Mid-term ‘1l,” in which we identified our goals for the first five years of the period leading up to 2015 and based on which we have grown our business. Over the past three-year period, while aided by the tail wind of a favorable external environment, including correction of the strong yen and stabilization of raw material prices, in response to changes in the business climate we were able to achieve our Mid-term ’11 targets ahead of schedule by boosting our supply capacity and steadily implementing other measures based on the initial plan, while improving our product and market mixes and using our own portfolio as a strength in strategically utilizing our resources.

Given the changes to the environment that have occurred in a brief period of time, based on anticipated future global economic trends we have created a new mid-term growth scenario for the future, and have formulated this new mid-term business plan as a declaration of our intent to take on the challenge of an even higher business stage.

Toyo Tire will work to achieve the growth scenario Toyo Tire have drawn up, and based on the slogan “GO BEYOND” all company employees will join as one to go beyond where we are today and strive to become a unique company whose presence shines through globally.