OREANDA-NEWS. PJSC "Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol" has invested more than 20 million hryvnas on the agglomachine №12 capital overhaul. The renovated unit is equipped with modern management system and at the expense of 100% replacement of rundown filtering gas cleaning elements there will be provided the reduction of dust emissions.

About 600 repairmen took part in the capital overhaul of the agglomachine every day. Specialists replaced the elements of burning zone cyclone cell system and installed new high-technology burners on the ignition hearth. If on each of four old burners the consumption of the natural has made up about 480 cubic meters per hour, but now the new devices use 10% less - not more than 420 cubic meters of the blue fuel per hour. Also frame and the agglomachine driving gear have been replaced.

During the capital overhaul the agglomachine №12 was transferred to an automatic technological process management system. The computer program will now itself analyze and display the most important unit rates including ecological. The introduction of technological innovation will economize energy resources and also exclude the influence of the human factor on the agglomachine work.

The working place of the agglomachine workers has been completely changed, maximum comfort working conditions have been created - an easy-to-use control panel has been provided, the conditioning system has been sufficiently improved in the room.

After the capital overhaul sinter factory will be able to produce more qualitative product at the expense of fines reduction in finished agglomerate. The performed repair works will minimize the amount of equipment emergency stops.

The general manager of PJSC "Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol" Yuriy Zinchenko:

- The renovation of the sinter factory technological equipment - one of the main priorities for the plants direction. Today we carry out a systematic work in this direction. And in future we want to realize big plans - other agglomachines are waiting for the overhaul too. We are proceeding with the introduction of earlier planned projects on the enterprise production facilities modernization. Now the 6th agglomachine has been stopped and in September we will prepare agglomachine №10 for stopping. At the same time the preparation works are being carried out for the reconstruction of the whole shop.