OREANDA-NEWS. July 14, 2014. “Ukraine is able to triple its agriculture and food output in ten years," stated Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk during the Third All-Ukrainian Agricultural Forum.

He stressed that with a view to Ukraine's economic growth, the Government has set itself two goals, including development of agriculture as well as energy. At the Forum he has focused on the issue of agro-industrial complex (AIC).

Arseniy Yatsenyuk has noted that Ukraine is the second in the world in terms of tilled soil and the first in Europe in terms of agricultural potential: "The main challenge Ukraine faces is to take the lead in the food market."

The second goal of Ukraine’s economic growth, according to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, "is the development of energy, but with your permission, I will omit this issue at this forum."

The Prime Minister has underlined that the population of the world is increasing and reminded that once economic growth of China began in 2008, the structure of food consumption has immediately changed: "The price immediately changes, and then demand rises significantly."

"The world can exist without many things. Theoretically, it is possible to live without gas and oil - on solar energy and biofuels. Theoretically, it is possible to live without new cars. But for sure, without which you cannot live - without food. We, as the number one country as to potential, must feed our citizens with cheap and high-quality food and take the lead in foreign markets. This is a goal set by the Government that I lead", said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

He has emphasized that Ukraine together with the United States can control 65% of the world maize market by 2020: "When you controls 65% of the world market, it is much easier to agree on anything, including gas, new markets mean prospective investment projects. "

"So we put together a really ambitious goal that can be achieved - a world leader in the food market", he added.

For this purpose, according to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Government of Ukraine has begun with Western partners preparing the so-called "Marshall Plan" for Ukraine - a plan of reconstruction. Moreover, it provides taking investment for Ukraine in the agricultural and energy sectors.

He has informed that the Government has launched the respective negotiations with the United States: "Here we have a two-way road. They have an interest to supply in Ukraine new technology, infrastructure for the storage and processing of grain and food. And we are interested to take their money, not for a year, not for ten years, but for twenty. And not a 20% loan, but 2% one. They really understand that giving money to the Ukraine’s agricultural sector they can return them and still make money from it. "

"I'm personally addressing so that in the next two months to reach the first draft project concerning what we are able to do with our Western partners as to agricultural development. They supply us technique, they invest, and together we produce and sell," underlined Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

According to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, another reason, why agriculture sector is extremely important for Ukraine, is currency inflows. He has noted that only grain exports brings us USD 4 billion a year, while total exports, according to statistics of the last year, equals USD 17 billion: "I do not know of another industry in the country that could bring more foreign currency for Ukraine."

"So, a Ukraine’s Food Programme is a number one task. This is reality, not fiction", added Arseniy Yatsenyuk.