OREANDA-NEWS. July 31, 2014. According to the press-service of the Ministry of economy, the necessity to begin discussions on the signing of such agreements, as well as other issues related to the prospects of the Moldovan-Chinese economic cooperation, were discussed during the meeting of the Vice-Premier, the Minister of economy Adrian Candu with the Ambassador of China in Moldova Tong Mingtao. Andrian Candu in conversation with a Chinese diplomat drew attention to the unused potential of cooperation of the two countries and reaffirmed the willingness of our country to intensify the dialogue with China.

Candu emphasized that the ultimate goal is the development of trade and economic relations of Moldova and China, and the Chinese investments in our country. Tong Mingtao in his turn, stressed the importance of cooperation and development partnership of the both states.

The sides agreed to continue the intergovernmental dialogue in all areas, and to pay special attention the start of the discussion on the conclusions of the Moldovan-Chinese free trade agreement.

According to the National Bureau of statistics, in 2005-2013, the export of Moldovan products to China increased by almost 11 times - from USD0.6 million to USD 6.5 million, The import of Chinese goods to Moldova in this period has increased by 6.5 times - from USD 73.9 million to USD 478,9 million.

In January-May 2014 China took 4-th place in the list of the main partners of Moldova- imports with a share of 8.5% (USD 179,1 million).