OREANDA-NEWS. August 11, 2014. The National Office for Wine and Vine (ONVV) has elaborated a strategy aimed at annually selling 100,000 liters of wine on the US market on the Wine of Moldova brand.

ONVV director Dumitru Munteanu said that to implement the strategy, the Moldovan wineries had to present quality wine, which could be liked by the US consumers.

“Our wines could be sold by 7-10 dollars in the store. Some of them could stand for 10-12 dollars, but it is necessary to be paid a special attention to the style of wine”, Munteanu said.

According to the strategy, the Moldovan authorities are committed to annually organize a string of events on the east coast of the USA to present Moldovan wine to importers and US press.

The Agriculture and Food Ministry launched a national brand of Moldovan wine titled: “Wine of Moldova” in December 2013, which was meant to promote quality wine from Moldova.

Since 2010, the United States is the largest wine market in the world. Presently, about 10 wineries from Moldova managed to enter the US market.