OREANDA-NEWS. September 15, 2014. The extended Collegium of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) took place. Attendees included the heads of federal executive bodies, heads of the regional FAS offices, experts on antimonopoly regulation and officers of the Central Office of the antimonopoly authority.

A member of Collegium (Minister) of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) for competition and antimonopoly regulation, Nurlan Aldabergenov, pointed out that due to increased goods circulation between the member-states of the Customs Union, the main EEC objective is preventing violations on cross-border markets. He also reminded that cooperation will be formed in accord with the Model Competition Law that comes into force already on 2015.

Acting Head of Rosoboronzakaz, Daniil Fesyuk, emphasized efficient cooperation with FAS: “For already over ten years our Services have been combating shoulder to shoulder for equal access to the means of public procurement, against corruption and, ultimately, for efficient execution of state defence procurement”. He also pointed out that recently FAS and Rosoboronzakaz started “robust offensive” on unreasonable overrating of prices by suppliers of components and raw materials.

The Head of Chelyabinsk OFAS Russia, Anna Kozlova, drew attention of her colleagues to the need to develop system-wide cooperation between antimonopoly bodies and regional authorities. The issue is exceptionally important and topical since under the “Road Map” the authorities are also engaged in the work towards developing competition.

An assistant to the Head of FAS, Alevtina Timoshenko, informed participants of the extended Collegium about changes to the Civil Code with regard to legal entities, intellectual property and securities market. She also discussed specific enforcement cases.

The Head of Saratov OFAS Russia, Dmitry Shalabodov, discussed a controversial situation when government customers abuse the right to unilaterally terminate contracts. According to the Head of FAS, Igor Artemiev, FAS will devise the guidelines for regional Offices on the procedures for including such unscrupulous ordering customers in the Register.

A merited FAS expert, Gennady Gudkov, put forward a proposal on engaging the expert community in methodological Councils of the Antimonopoly Service. Participants of the extended session approved the proposal.