OREANDA-NEWS. September 29, 2014. Yandex (NASDAQ: YNDX) is launching a service called Yandex.Master through which users can find subcontractors to do work around their homes including cleaning, renovations, plumbing and other handiwork. The goal is for Yandex.Master to quickly and efficiently connect users with qualified and trusted professionals.

Every month, users submit 3.3 million search queries to Yandex for domestic services. They are looking for specialists to do renovations, install electrical equipment, clean apartments, transport furniture or buy groceries. Yandex.Master will be the place to find these specialists. A user simply inputs the work they would like performed along with time and location. Yandex.Master instantaneously transmits the request to its partners and locates those who are qualified and available. The service connects users with subcontractors through a call centre; users’ personal phone numbers are not disclosed. After the task has been completed, the user may rate the quality of the work and leave comments – helping future users make their selection.

“Finding a good subcontractor is difficult and finding one who is trustworthy is even more difficult,” said Alexander Korotaev, head of the project. “We have instituted a system of client reviews in order to lend a level of quality control to the service. Our partnerships with service providers are contract-based. We will monitor their work and the client reviews, and will take action on negative comments.”

At present, Yandex.Master has about 70 partners. Among them are many well-known services, including aggregators. Working with Yandex.Master allows service providers to increase their customer reach. Through the end of the year, participation in the service is free of charge for all partners.