OREANDA-NEWS. October 17, 2014. 189 amendments are being introduced to the draft law "On subsoil and subsoil use" considered in the Majilis. It has been reported by Vice Minister of Investment and Development Albert Rau.

"Today, we are still at the finish line for development of the law" On Subsoil". Still, there are serious 189 amendments. But today I would like to tell you the unsolved problems," A. Rau said at the scientific-practical conference" Development of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On subsoil and subsoil use": the key aspects and major novels".

According to him, the current legislation slowed down development of exploration in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as treatment of solid resources.

We should remind you that, draft law on making amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on subsoil has been finalized in the Majilis today. The main points of the bill are aimed at improving the investment climate in the mineral sector of Kazakhstan. The document containing the second package of amendments - Code Subsoil – will be released in Kazakhstan in 2014-2015.