OREANDA-NEWS. November 20, 2014. Ukraine and Germany are interested in deepening of a dialogue between the authorities and members of foreign companies, including German ones operating in Ukraine. This was announced, during a meeting of Acting Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Valerii Pyatnytsky with Chairman of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry Martin Wansleben.

"We are very interested in establishing good economic relations between Ukraine and Germany. I want to emphasize that German entrepreneurs don’t plan to leave Ukraine, on the contrary they intend to expand their presence here," said Martin Wansleben.

The parties agreed that to encourage the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine the most important is viewed following of all laws and rules of the fair making business.

The Chairman of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry offered to organize a round table discussion between representatives of the Ukrainian Government and the business community of not only from Germany, but gathering all the countries working in Ukraine, in order to gradually elaborate an algorithm of further joint actions.

The Acting Minister of Economic Development and Trade supported the proposal, noting that the Ukrainian Government is interested in a constant dialogue with business. "I think that it must be not a single event but a permanent dialogue dealing with broad context issues and including particular ones. We back not only holding such round tables, but we would like to join efforts and carry out appropriate reforms", said Valerii Pyatnytsky.

Martin Wansleben stressed that the establishing of a German-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine could become an important bridge joining entrepreneurs of our countries.

"The initiative to set up in Ukraine a German-Ukrainian Chamber is fully supported by us. Despite the activity of German business members, their ability to work and their integration into Ukrainian economy, it would not just played a business role, but a significant educational role as well. An active interaction between the Chamber and the Government will give an additional impetus to the Ukrainian reforms", said Valerii Pyatnytsky.