OREANDA-NEWS. On Friday, December 5, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk had a phone conversation with Vice-President of the European Commission for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic.

The Prime Minister and Vice President of the European Commission discussed the priorities for cooperation in the energy sector, including Ukraine's preparation for the winter period. The Prime Minister reiterated full readiness of the energy system of Ukraine to ensure uninterrupted transit of natural gas.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Maros Sefcovic also paid particular attention to attracting investment from the European Union into the Ukrainian gas transportation system, which would increase the energy security of Ukraine and the EU.

During the conversation the sides exchanged views on the project South Stream. Taking into account a Russia’s decision to stop the construction of South Stream, Arseniy Yatsenyuk has stressed that the European Union doesn’t need this project as the Ukrainian gas transport system is and will be a reliable route for Russian gas supply to the EU. In his turn, Maros Sefcovic has confirmed the position of the European Commission that the bilateral agreements on the construction of South Stream don’t meet the European Union’s legislation.