OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi, Ltd. today announced that Hitachi Group holds a "Hong Kong Hitachi Group 50th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony". The ceremony will welcome representatives of about 300 companies including the Hitachi Group's customers and partner companies to present a history of the Group's business rollout in Hong Kong over half a century, and to display and introduce a wide range of products, technologies and services that represent the Hitachi Group's strengths in this market.

These include storage, elevators and escalators, High Functional Materials & Components, ATMs, home appliances and power tools as well as logistics services. The event will also feature seminars on the themes of Big Data and healthcare where Hitachi is focusing its efforts and introductions of Hitachi's activities and engineering capabilities. Through active interactions with customers and identifying their needs and providing optimum solutions, Hitachi will strive to further expand business in this region.

Hong Kong has become a prominent global hub for both commercial and financial activities, and the Hitachi Group has a long history in this market as well. Hitachi began its operations in Hong Kong in 1964 with the establishment of Hitachi (Hong Kong) Ltd. Today, more than 30 Group companies are conducting business operations here with more than 1,800 employees.

The Hitachi Group is currently rolling out business on a global scale with a focus on the Social Innovation Business. As part of these activities, it is strengthening both its air and ocean freight forwarding business in Hong Kong for the transport of goods between Hong Kong and India, the Middle East, Africa and other parts of the world. For example, in May 2013, Hitachi acquired all stocks in James J. Boyle & Co., an American logistics company, and in July of the same year, it acquired part of the stocks for CDS Freight Holding Ltd., a logistics company in Hong Kong that demonstrates strengths in marine cargo transport. In November 2014, Hitachi established a Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong to strengthen sales and service structures for the industrial device business. The Group is also conducting activities aimed at promoting collaborations with local partners in fields such as health care and Big Data, which are expected to see substantial growth in the future.

The Hitachi Group promotes management with close ties to the community, actively conducting social contribution activities such as "Walk For Millions", "Beach Clean-up Day", and "Hitachi Environment Classes," and creating opportunities for interactions with the citizens of Hong Kong.

Companies in the Hong Kong Hitachi Group will continue to use the experience and expertise that they have accumulated over the past 50 years to create new value for customers through the rollout of business that meets local needs. In this way, the Group will contribute to achieving richer lives and the further development of Hong Kong society over the next 50 years as well.