OREANDA-NEWS. December 31, 2014. MCC Group and MCC convened the party-administration meeting conveying and studying the spirit of the Central Economic Working Conference. Guo Wenqing, Chairman & President of MCC Group and Chairman & Party Secretary of MCC, presided over the meeting.

He transmitted the spirit of the important speeches made by CPC Secretary-General Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, as well as the remark made by Director-General & Party Secretary Zhang Yi of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC). Then Guo made the deployment on the implementation work.

According to the party-administration meeting, the Central Economic Working Conference is not only a meeting for summary of the economic work undertaken in this whole year, but also a meeting for analysis on the overall economic situation and the economic work. From two aspects of domestic and international, CPC Secretary-General Xi Jinping made an analysis on the economic situation, profoundly elaborated the nine tendency changes derived from the new normal economic growth in China, made deep analysis on the four features of the worldwide economic development, clearly defined the general requirements on economic work in 2015, and put forward with five key tasks. Premier Li Keqiang gave a systematic summary on the economic work of this year, made a deployment on the economic and social development in next year, and laid emphasis on the key tasks to be undertaken in next year.

After conveying the conference spirit, Guo Wenqing delivered a key note. According to Guo, the Central Economic Working Conference is an important one following the 4th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The important speeches made by CPC Secretary-General Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang are featured by grasping the overall situation, deep thinking and rich content. The speeches fully reflect the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the 3rd and the 4th Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, they are the main embodiment of the new thoughts and new ideas for steering the economy work by the new central collective leadership.

The speeches fully reflect the strong determination of the Central Government on understanding, adapting and taking the lead in the new normal economic growth. They are characterized by outstanding strategic vision, ideological content, guidance and pertinence. On this ground, they are of great significance for proceeding with confidence and building consensus for the economic work to be carried out in next year and the near future. All the departments and subsidiaries shall conscientiously study the speeches, integrate the ideology and action with the analysis and judgment made by the central government on the economic situation, as well as the decisions and deployment made by the central government on the economic work of next year. Guo requested all the people to take keen consideration on the actual situation of MCC, make scientific planning on the work of next year, so as to ensure the implementation of the conference spirit to achieve tangible results.

In consideration of the spirit of the Central Economic Working Conference, Guo Wenqing raised the following eight requirements on the current key tasks: (i) In proceeding with the diversified ownership, MCC Group shall stick to the principle of “Enlarging the function of the state-owned capital and enhancing the endogenous power of the enterprise”, therefore the diversified ownership shall be promoted on large-sized projects and small companies, and no fluke mind shall be held in this regard; (ii) The market shall be taken as the starting point and the foothold for scientific innovation, the market shall be taken as the concentration for innovation of scientific technology, product and organization, and the enterprise shall be turned into the main body for innovation, and the decisive effect of the market shall be brought into full play for resource allocation; (iii) Efforts shall be redoubled for benchmarking with the worldwide top-level metallurgical enterprises, focus shall be laid upon both quantity and quality, MCC Group shall continue to maintain position of the worldwide largest contractor for metallurgical engineering and the service provider for upgrading and transformation of metallurgical engineering technologies by means of the top-rank core technologies and the irreplaceable advantages of the whole industrial chain, so as to conduct overall benchmarking with the advanced global enterprises in next year; (iv) MCC Group shall continue to carry forward the traditional comparative advantages, master the favorable opportunities, explore new economic growth points, and establish the unique engineering and industry for design and construction of theme parks, which is the only one in China; (v) MCC Group shall increase the intensity of capital operation, conduct in-depth research on transformation of assets into resources, and turn the possessed resources into capital; (vi) MCC Group shall take an international vision for management of human resources and project management, and thus lay a firm foundation for MCC Group during its growing process towards a top-level international company; (vii) MCC Group shall perform well in various work at the end of the year, continue to resolve the problems in relation to inventory and accounts receivables, strive to realize the growth target and enter into the ranks of A-Category Enterprises; and (viii) MCC Group shall continue to make efficient preparation work for the Working Conference of 2015.

The attendees at the meeting included: members of leading teams of MCC Group and MCC; and heads of various functional departments in the Headquarters.