OREANDA-NEWS. Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk gave Minister of Energy and Coal Industry Volodymyr Demchyshyn a deadline up to 1 February that either he takes control of the industry and his Ministry or the Prime Minister will be forced to offer the Parliament to make personnel decisions, he said at a press conference on 30 December.

"I’ve read information on one of the sites about the appointment in the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry. Yesterday, at a Cabinet’s meeting, I officially gave the Energy Minister a month to either take control of the industry and his ministry or I will be forced to offer the Parliament to make personnel decisions. Moreover, he should take control of the appointment of the heads of state-owned energy companies. There will be no representatives who are Russian citizens, like Grigorishin is," Arseniy Yatsenyuk emphasized.

According to him, the Minister has a deadline until February 1 "in order to solve all the problems in the sphere of his personal responsibility."

"And so I will be very grateful to the media that will simply help, first of all, officials, and the Government in general to bring out into the open appointments," the Prime Minister addressed to journalists.

"Help ministers and me to find arguments, which law enforcement don’t possess, regarding the appointment of certain officials," the PM addressed to the journalists.