OREANDA-NEWS. On January 7 at the Oqsaroy, President Islam Karimov received credentials from the newly appointed ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary in the Republic of Uzbekistan – Ghada al Ghannam of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Fam Wang Fao of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vikram Doraiswami of the Republic of India, and Alit Santika of the Republic of Indonesia.

The head of our state congratulated cordially the new chiefs of diplomatic missions on their appointment to our country and wished them every success in their responsible and honorable assignment. President Islam Karimov stressed in particular that Uzbekistan attaches vital significance to the consolidation of wide-ranging ties with Egypt, Vietnam, India and Indonesia, who have been turning to play an increasingly greater role in addressing urgent international and regional issues.

It was pointed out during a conversation with the Egyptian envoy that followed an official ceremony of handing in credentials that our two nations are equally interested in bolstering the interaction in the political, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other areas.

Ambassador Ghada al Ghannam noted that it is a great honor for her to represent Egypt in a country like Uzbekistan that is renowned in the world not merely with its rich historical and cultural heritage, but also as a partner in demand in contemporary conditions.

Built on a robust foundation of enduring bonds and mutual interests, the relations between Uzbekistan and Vietnam have been enhancing steadily. Intensifying as of late, the dialogue at various levels allows for joint definition and dynamic development of prospective dimensions of cooperation in the real sector of the economy.

Ambassador Fam Wang Fao said he would make every effort and cash in his diplomatic experience for the enhancement of mutual ties between our two countries, for the practical implementation of interstate treaties and agreements reached.

The ages-old trade and cultural bonds, friendship and spiritual proximity of the Uzbek and Indian peoples constitute sound bedrock for a steadfast advancement of bilateral relations across a diversity of spheres. As it was stressed during a conversation with the ambassador of India, the regular exchange of visits at the highest level as well as contacts among government agencies, representatives of business circles and culture figures of the two countries confirm the availability of significant potential for building up the mutually advantageous cooperation.

Ambassador Vikram Doraiswami assured that he considers his mission in Uzbekistan as a great opportunity to make his input into the further expansion of the traditionally friendly ties between our two states and peoples.

Uzbekistan regards Indonesia as one of important and prospective partners in Southeast Asia. The two countries wield today substantial capacities to boost the mutually beneficial commerce, fuel the investment cooperation and beef up bonds in other realms.

Ambassador Alit Santika noted the willingness of Indonesia to develop relations with Uzbekistan on an enduring and mutually rewarding basis.

The conversations with the newly appointed envoys featured thorough exchange of views on international and regional issues of equal interest to sides.