OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi, Ltd. today announced that it will participate in "Earth Hour 2015" - the world's largest environmental campaign, conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In 21 countries where Hitachi sites are located, illumination for signboards, offices, and other lighting will be turned off for one hour from 20:30 to 21:30 local time on Saturday, March 28.

"Earth Hour" started in 2007 as an international event in which people all over the world share their desire to "halt global warming" and "protect Earth's environment" by turning off their electricity on the same day at the same hour. It is the largest event in the world today, with over 7,000 cities in more than 150 countries participating.

Hitachi has been conducting a lights-off campaign in Japan as part of "Hitachi Group Summertime Energy Saving Initiative". This year Hitachi will also participate in "Earth Hour" by turning off its lights globally as a way of further raising awareness of the need to halt global warming and protect the environment. Specifically, as a Lights-Off Campaign, Hitachi will turn off signboard illumination for one hour from 20:30 to 21:30 on Saturday, March 28 at its sites in Sydney, Australia, Shanghai, China, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Thailand, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and other cities. Furthermore, for an extension period from Monday, March 23 until Friday, March 27, the Group is calling for interior and exterior lighting to be turned off at its manufacturing plants and offices. 90 companies of Hitachi group, from 206 sites in 21 countries plan to participate in this initiative, which is expected to reduce electricity consumption by 350,000 kWh.

Hitachi is promoting global production that reduces the environmental burden of a product throughout its life cycle, based on the three pillars of global warming prevention, resource conservation, and ecosystems preservation. Through activities such as the "Hitachi Global Lights-Off Campaign", Hitachi will act to further increase awareness of the need for environmental consideration and reduce CO2 emissions. At the same time, it will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the Social Innovation Business.