OREANDA-NEWS. The US carmaker General Motors stopped deliveries to Russia of all Opel cars and mass models Chevrolet. Deliveries of Cadillac and Chevrolet models premium continue, wrote the newspaper "Vedomosti".

Last week, the CEO of GM Korea (it produces Opel, Chevrolet, etc.), Sergio Rocha, said about the termination of supplies to Russia due to the devaluation of the ruble. From Korea for the production in Russia it was delivered also kits for Chevrolet Aveo. Opel Corsa is traveling to Russia from GM plants in Germany and Spain, Chevrolet Cobalt and Chevrolet Spark - from Uzbekistan, listed the representatives of the brands.

Total in 2014 in Russia it was imported 8,873 new Chevrolet cars and 832 Opel cars, according to the agency "AUTOSTAT". General sales of GM in Russia fell by 26.4% (to 189,484 units) in January-February of 2015 - by 74.6%, says the data of AEB. By June, GM will stop the plant in St. Petersburg, by the end of year it will be completed the contract on GAZ and it will be stopped the sales of Opel and mass models of Chevrolet. Imports of premium models, service will continue after 2015.

According to sources, the suspension of imports of GM mass cars is associated with large stocks in the country: about 10 thousand Chevrolet and Opel cars are in the warehouses of the group and by 5000 - at dealers. "For the same reason we do not order new cars", - adds the dealer. The announced sales of stocks in March (up to 25% discounts on cars of 2014 issue) did not cause excessive demand, he said: "Discounts are significant, but the price of cars of GM since November of 2014 rose by more than 50%." In addition, the discounts are not for all cars that are available in the warehouses of dealers, added the source of "Vedomosti": "There is a part of the cars that were sold by some dealers for the report of GM, but actually they bought cars themselves to get in December traditional bonuses from the company for the implementation of plan”. With the current demand the sale of stock will be stretched to the end of the year, according to the dealer. Discounts are valid until the end of April, but, in his opinion, it is likely to be extended by GM. It will not work to redirect the most of the stock to neighboring countries (formerly GM spokesman said the possibility of selling cars in the countries of the Customs Union), the dealer is sure: the capacity of the local market is small, and GM cars are expensive.