Metgasco waits on Rosella court ruling

OREANDA-NEWS. Australian gas developer Metgasco said a New South Wales (NSW) Supreme Court ruling over the state government's suspension of the Rosella well drilling approval will be delivered on 24 April.

The Supreme Court action was initiated to have the suspension of Metgasco's Rosella drilling approval lifted. Metgasco argues that the NSW government's suspension in May last year of its activity approval was unlawful for several reasons, including the lack of power to make such an order under the Petroleum Onshore Act.

Drilling of the well in northern NSW was previously approved by the NSW Office of Coal Seam Gas, which is also the authority that suspended the drilling.

The main reason for the suspension decision appears to have little to do with its effort to consult in good faith with the local community, Metgasco said, but instead reflects concerns about protests by activists that have no interest in consultation.