OREANDA-NEWS. On 12 May, African students celebrated Africa Day in the Tallinn University of Technology by introducing the colourful culture of their continent to the university. TUT, the largest foreign student community of Estonia has 83 students from Africa.

The day began with African students marching across the TUT campus. The day continued with interesting presentations from African experts, a chance to try out the African dance workshop, see exhibitions, buy genuine African handicraft and try real African cuisine.

In the view of Tea Varrak, TUT Vice-Rector for Innovation and Internationalisation, TUT is one of the most international organisations in Estonia. “We have students from over 80 countries and approximately 10 % of our more than 13,000 students are from foreign countries,” Varrak said. “Foreign students are very important to a university as they represent different cultures and customs; they have their own ideas and thoughts, enriching the entire community of our university as well as our Estonian students. This helps to find new, interesting and great solutions.”

See the video from the Africa Day: