OREANDA-NEWS. Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu backs a proposal by Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici to liquidate Banca de Economii (Savings Bank, BEM), Banca Sociala (Social Bank) and Unibank. The prime minister has repeatedly said that the liquidation of these banks was presently the optimum solution to overcome the crisis in the financial and banking system.

Also, Chiril Gaburici has more times reiterated that the government's priority was the full return of the money from the depositors' deposits, completing the investigations under way, calling to account all the guilty persons and recovery of the purloined money. 

Also, at parliamentary hearings from 7 May, Chiril Gaburici unveiled a plan on liquidation of the three problem banks. "This is a subject that is discussed and analysed at all levels, even with foreign partners. There is a plan, calculations have been made, estimations were carried out. It is obvious that, to maintain the banks, the expenses will be higher than for their liquidation. What have we done? We tried to find a solution for the depositors. The government took responsibility to guarantee that all the money, no matter in what bank: Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala or Unibank, will reach the depositors who keep the money there. At the same time, we seek solutions, so that other banks or Posta Moldovei (Moldova's Post) serve the clients after the liquidation of the aforementioned banks. Also, we prepare a draft law due to provide for taking over by the budget of the payments related to the deposits of citizens in these banks," Chiril Gaburici said at the parliament's rostrum. 

The subject on liquidation of BEM, Banca Sociala and Unibank was discussed at a meeting with representatives of the civil society, held at the government on 22 May. To settle the crisis in the banking system as soon as possible, the cabinet will analyse the proposals and recommendations of the civil society.

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have earlier spoken out for the liquidation of these banks.