OREANDA-NEWS. Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici today asked the competent institutions to boost the implementation of the provisions of the national plan at a today's operative cabinet meeting. Gaburici made the request after Foreign and European Integration Minister Natalia Gherman had unveiled the results of the Riga Summit, held on 21-22 May. Moldova remains leader among the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries in terms of implementation of reforms and fulfillment of provisions of the plan for enforcing the Moldova-EU Association Agreement.

In the context, the prime minister asked for holding a meeting to discuss in detail the provisions Moldova was to carry out. “We have debts in terms of implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement. We have to boost the fulfillment of  the tasks seen in this National Plan. Therefore, we will hold a separate meeting to analyse the current situation and I ask all ministries and institutions to revise sectoral plans related to implementation of the Agreement and to unveil actions due to be carried out," the premier said.

The national action plan for implementing the Moldova-EU Association Agreement for 2014-2016 represents the basic instrument for monitoring the European integration process on the concerned period and includes the actions needed to be carried out by the relevant institutions according to each article/ provision, as well as annexes of the Association Agreement, including the part on Free Trade Zone in the indicated terms and with the specification of the necessary financial means to this end.

In another context, Gaburici asked that the legislative initiatives or government decisions, included on the additional list of the cabinet meeting's agenda, should not be accepted without being approved by all relevant in institutions in charge. “I will not accept the drafts coming to the government on the last moment, and the cabinet members failed to see them. We should not hastily approve the drafts, but take account that they must be qualitative. We want to have quality in the government," he said.

At the same time, the prime minister warned the cabinet members to fulfill the  instructions by the State Chancellery. “We have a control system on monitoring and ensuring the fulfilling of instructions you receive. I ask you to check it systematically”, he said.

The ministers presented the actions due to be taken by each institution this week. The cabinet’s operative meeting took place at the Finance Ministry.