OREANDA-NEWS. IDGC of Centre launched a pilot project on integrated training of personnel for the development of the service "Grid connection support" in the branches of Voronezhenergo and Kurskenergo. The training program includes psychodiagnostic examination and three training modules: management of conflicts, settling disputes with existing customers; effective sales techniques for services and working with a new client; the basics of customer service, business written communication.

 "The success of the project "Grid connection support" is largely dependent on the competence of senior officials. The comprehensive training program aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills of effective work with both new and existing customers of the company, conflict management, mastering the art of customer service. During the training we should be a truly united team to make our work to become as efficient as possible!" stressed Head of HR Management Department of IDGC of Centre Natalia Bulan.

On the first day of training comprehensive assessment of the capacity of the unit of employees interacting with customers was carried out, attending the training. Diagnosis was based on the test (Raven's matrix, tests of Leary and Eysenck), which will determine the psychological mood of the group of experts to work with customers, the emotional atmosphere and provide an opportunity to adjust the development of a further appropriate training program on the main modules. Since the beginning of June this year, experts of Voronezhenergo and Kurskenergo will learn topical issues of communicative interaction with customers, as well as methods of controlling emotions and management of conflict situations.

The branches of Voronezhenergo and Kurskenergo were identified as the pilot for the project implementation in the company for the development of the value-added service "Working within the competence of the customer in the grid connection procedure" ("Grid connection support"). The aim to develop the service "Grid connection support" is the creation of favourable conditions for small and medium enterprises: entrepreneurs of these categories are the main customers of grid connection of electrical power installations up to 150 kW, and which are covered by the new service.

Grid connection is a complex multi-step process that includes a set of activities on documentation and connection of a facility to the grid. No matter what facility the user is planning to connect - a new production shop or a newly built private house, he'll need to collect a set of necessary documents and perform a series of mandatory steps. He should prepare a list and mark the location of power devices with their capacity, and to install an electric meter at the point of delivery of facilities. You must also complete the installation of ground loop and test it. Thus it is desirable to synchronize all the work with the activities being done in the area of ??grid connection by the grid company. Within the service "Grid connection support" specialists of IDGC of Centre will take on the fulfillment of all of these activities.

The provision of the service "Grid connection support" is carried out by IDGC of Centre on the principle of "one stop". In accordance with the road map, it is planned to reach at least 70% of customers with it, who have signed a grid connection contract up to 150 kW.