OREANDA-NEWS. With a muesli initiative, employees of the Ford branch in Wallisellen in Switzerland have gathered strength for themselves and money for the work of the Pfarrer Sieber charitable organisation. The initiative raised almost 1200 francs. A fantastic sign of solidarity!
"We are in the fortunate position of being able to eat healthily every day", said Marianne Suter, HR Manager at Ford in Wallisellen, on the motivation behind the muesli initiative. "Unfortunately, we often forget that this isn't something we can take for granted and that not everyone is as fortunate." This is why she, together with her HR team, wanted to run a charity initiative that would increase awareness of precisely this issue. As a result, on 9th July, Ford employees were able to enjoy freshly prepared muesli and, with a donation, ensure that those in need in the region could also have access to healthy meals.
Great response from employees
The initiative was met with a great response from the Ford employees. Of the total of 85 employees, 37 ordered a bowl of muesli lovingly prepared by two HR employees, Samro Fuster and Margrit Mattli (see photo). A number of employees turned down the muesli, but volunteered a donation for the initiative all the same. This resulted in the final impressive sum of 1150 francs (954 euros). We would like to express our warm thanks for this kind gesture of unity and solidarity!
The Pfarrer Ernst Sieber charitable organisation works to help people in need.  Love and acceptance come first. Disadvantaged people are given courage and help in relieving their difficulties relating to addiction, illness, violence and homelessness.