OREANDA-NEWS. August 20, 2015. Bank of Russia took a decision to reissue forms of licences of professional securities market participant to the following entities:

Registrar DonFAO, limited liability company (the city of Rostov-on-Don), to act as a registrar due to a change of location;

JOINT-STOCK COMPANY COMMERCIAL BANK GAZBANK (the city of Samara) to carry out broker, dealer and depositary activity and securities management due to a change of name;

Investment Company SUMMA CAPITAL, limited liability company (the city of Moscow), to carry out broker and depositary activity and securities management due to a change of location;

Gorizont-Broker, limited liability company (the city of Moscow), to carry out broker and dealer activity and securities management due to a change of location;

LLOYDS TSB, limited liability company (the city of Moscow), to carry out broker and dealer activity and securities management due to a change of location;

Joint-stock company Independent Investment Company (the city of Volgograd) to carry out depositary activity due to a change of name.