OREANDA-NEWS. Yesterday, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) cited E.ON as the leader in climate reporting in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). CDP thereby acknowledges the quality and transparency of the data published by E.ON in CDP’s annual Climate Change Report. Only ten percent of the participating companies from all sectors of industry are included in the leadership index. E.ON achieved the maximum score and far exceeded the industry average. The data reported by E.ON were assessed by an independent body.

CDP is a not-for-profit organisation and one of the largest associations of international investors. Every year, CDP collects data from a large number of (primarily listed) companies worldwide. These data give orientation to many investors and market players in their investment decisions. The data are intended to enable investors to assess whether a company pays sufficient attention to climate change in its decisions and structures, which according to CDP is a precondition for a company to be prepared to meet changing environmental requirements imposed by markets and regulators. CDP is active on behalf of more than 800 institutional investors, which together manage approx. US$ 95 trillion.