OREANDA-NEWS. By the end of the year approximately one million displaced persons will enter Germany. This will continue to have consequences for Munich: Every week around 480 refugees arrive and must be housed and taken care of in the Bavarian state capital. Many are in need of interpretation services with regard to registration, accommodation and administrative procedures, hence there is tremendous demand for interpreters and translators.  Help Alliance, Lufthansa employees' aid organization, would like to help to close this gap.  This is why patroness Vivian Spohr presented a check for 100,000 euros to Brigitte Meier, the Social Policy Advisor of the city of Munich yesterday. On top of this, Help Alliance also called on Lufthansa Group employees to offer their services as interpreters on a voluntary basis. More than 50 colleagues have already responded to this appeal. "Lufthansa and Help Alliance are delighted to be able to support the city of Munich in taking care of the arriving refugees. Language plays a decisive role in these efforts. As an internationally active company with employees from over 140 countries and a strong attachment to the Bavarian capital city of Munich and to our southern hub, it is our special concern to help in this area,” said Vivian Spohr, Patroness of Help Alliance.  “Precisely in this acute situation, it is especially important to establish trust in people’s native tongues. With its generous donation for interpretation services, Help Alliance is contributing enormously here by breaking down linguistic barriers and hence building up understanding,” Brigitte Meier, Social Policy Advisor of the state capital Munich, emphasized. Regardless of age and origin, every refugee in Munich receives support from interpreters. Amongst other things, interpreters are used at first contact, when doing applications, at advisory conversations, and for visits to doctors and therapeutic treatment.  Within the Lufthansa Group the willingness to help refugees is immense. In the past few weeks for example, Lufthansa Group catering expert, LSG Sky Chefs, distributed 5,000 bottles of water, 10,000 snacks, and 18,000 blankets and sleep masks to refugees all over Germany. In addition to this, together with the German Red Cross, Lufthansa Cargo transported 15,000 folding cots on a total of twelve flights from Washington to Frankfurt. However, Help Alliance is also thinking long-term and providing sustainable support to projects for the integration of young migrants in Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Flörsheim. In addition, there are also educational programs in world crisis regions, to give people a chance for a better life in their home countries. More information at: www.helpalliance.org  Image (from left to right): Joachim Steinbach, General representative of help alliance e.V.; Vivian Spohr, patroness of help alliance; Brigitte Meier, Speaker of the Social Services Department of the capital of Munich (Sozialreferentin); Rita Diop, Chairperson of help alliance.