OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a reliability rating to OOO UK Aton Management. The rating is "BBB+" on the international scale and "AA+" on the national scale, in both cases with a positive outlook.

The rating is based on the Company’s positive reputation on the Russian financial market; well-organised, high-quality risk management; solid market positions; and the support of the Aton group, and international financial holding with substantial experience in collective investments.

Constraining factors include the Company’s modest size.

The positive outlook reflects growth in 2015 plus an expected further increase in funds under management.

OOO UK Aton-Management [trs. Aton-Management Management Company LLC] is a management company that forms part of the Aton group, an international financial holding that offers international, institutional, corporate and private investors the full range of investment banking services. Its beneficiary owner is Yevgeni Yuriev. The Company specialises in managing mutual funds, mandatory pension savings and individual investment accounts for both corporate and personal clients.

As of mid-2015 the Company had R4.2bn in funds under management, of which more than 50% (R2.2bn) was in mutual funds. Personal investment accounts made up a significant 24% of the total (R1.1bn). The client base consists mainly of mutual funds and corporate or retail investors. Concentration by individual client is judged moderate.

Asset quality is judged healthy. Most funds have been invested in bonds or blue chip shares. The bonds are liquid and generate healthy returns; most were issued by financially-solid borrowers, including the Russian Federation and regional governments, and no defaults are anticipated. The concentration of assets under management is low. Due to frequent turnover among mutual funds under management the client base appears volatile. The average weighted return on investment to mid-2015 was strong. Sensitivity to financial risks is judged low.