OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a credit rating to OOO KvalEkspo (Moscow). The rating is "BB+" on the national scale and "B+" on the international scale, in both cases with a stable outlook.

The rating is based on close business ties to a consulting group with significant experience in the bond market and successful operations with no losses over a period of several years.

Constraining factors include assets and liabilities highly concentrated by counterparty and weak profits.

About the Company

OOO KvalEkspo [trs. QualExpo LLC] is a private-sector Russian company that acts as a consultant and financial intermediary. It forms part of a consulting group with extensive experience in asset management, including operations with closed mutual investment funds. The Company works with financial institutions to acquire bonds, mortgage participation certificates, shares in closed mutual investment funds and other claims.

Assets consist mainly of financial investments, including bonds issued by OOO Spetsstroifinans [trs. Special Construction Finance LLC]. All assets are classified as working assets and their structure is quite fluid. All obligations are short-term and most take the form of accounts payable. The Company has no debt. Operating revenues are nil; income is generated from the purchase and sale of securities. Profitability is low. Liquidity is sufficient. Risk sensitivity is high.