OREANDA-NEWS. Complete blocking of YouTube without access via VPN is possible, but it will be an expensive solution that will not pay for itself, Aleksey Raevsky, CEO of a company specializing in information security consulting, told Moscow 24. In his opinion, the number of Russians who will access YouTube through VPN services after blocking will not be very large, so there is no point in restricting VPNs in any way.

If YouTube is blocked in the Russian Federation, it is theoretically possible to make it so that it is impossible to access via VPN, but this will be a rather expensive solution and it will not pay for itself,” Raevsky believes.

At the same time, the expert did not rule out that certain response measures regarding video hosting would still be taken, since recently his policy towards Russia has been hostile.

State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy previously reacted to the blocking of the Duma TV channel on YouTube, saying that the hosting was openly anti-Russian and that appropriate measures should be taken against it. Moreover, they should be such, according to him, that even VPNs would not help. The deputy added that citizens of Russia, who could watch the meetings of the lower house of parliament, follow its work, and receive clarifications on the laws being adopted, will suffer from the blocking of the Duma TV channel. They were deprived of the opportunity to receive official and reliable information. At the same time, YouTube is literally flooded with "monstrous fakes" aimed at discrediting the Russian military and at rocking the internal political situation in Russia.