OREANDA-NEWS  The export of pipeline gas from Russia to the far abroad may be halved by 2023 — from 100 billion cubic meters to 50. This forecast is indicated in the minutes of the meeting of the energy Commission of the State Council on March 30. On Thursday, April 27, Izvestia writes about this with reference to the document.

According to the protocol, the reason for the drop in exports lies in significant changes in the energy markets, which were caused by geopolitical conditions and sanctions. This required an accelerated reorientation of gas supplies and the search for new markets. At the same time, in the case of gas, it is harder to do this than with oil, due to the binding of supplies to the main gas transportation infrastructure.

Earlier, the Minister of Economy Nikolai Shulginov said that Russia expects a reduction in production in 2023 against the background of a voluntary reduction in oil production and the refusal of European countries from Russian gas.

In mid-March, the Ministry of Energy said that Russia was going to reduce oil and gas production. As analysts warned, oil production in Russia could fall by 20 percent by 2030 if Russian oil companies do not begin to rapidly develop their own oil service and replace Western equipment with adequate analogues.