OREANDA-NEWS. January 16, 2008. For the week of January 09th – January 11th, 2008, total trading volume on the RTS T+0 market reached 134,9 million rubles, RTS' press service reported. Total trading volume in the "second-tier" stock equaled 130,7 million rubles, 96,86% of the total trading volume.

There were concluded in whole 844 trades. Market participants traded 111 securities (without "Gazprom"). The most popular "second-tier" stocks were Energy ordinary shares (ENGYG) (17,34%), JSC "TGK-10" ordinary shares (TGKJG) (16,25%) and "Nizhnekamskshina" Corp (NKSHG)  ordinary shares (15,61%).

The week's top gainers were J.S.C. "SARATOVENERGO" ordinary shares (SAREG) (75,00%), Russkiye Samotsvety ordinary shares (RSAMG) (29,87%), JSC Acron ordinary shares (AKRNG) (29,17%).

The week's top losers were JSC "Magadanenergo" ordinary shares (MAGEG) (-22,22%), Seversky Tube Works ordinary shares (SVTZG) (-8,43%), JSC SITRONICS ordinary shares (SITRG) (-7,57%).

The first place on the list of the most active traders is taken by Universal Investment Company Partner Ltd., the second place is taken by OLMA Investment Firm, whereas the third place is occupied by OJSC "VSH-HOLDING".