OREANDA-NEWS. On 13 January 2009 was announced, that for the period of December 1st –31st, 2008 the total trading volume in the RTS Board system equaled USD 5,5 mln. Most popular stocks were Mostootrjad ¹19 ordinary shares (msot), ordinary shares of Bamtonnelstroy (btst) and ordinary shares of OJSC "Apatit" (apat).

In December the participants made 315 trades. By the results of the month the three top turnover leaders were LLC "URALSIB Capital - Financial Services", Troika Dialog and METROPOL IFCo. Ltd.

 Ticker              Company name   Share type   Trading volume, USD   Number of trades
 msot   Mostootrjad ¹19  ordinary    1 174 100   13
 btst   Bamtonnelstroy  ordinary        626 585     7
 apat   OJSC "Apatit"  ordinary        537 608   24
 borg   OJSC "AGC BGW"  ordinary       484 150   13
 tnbpp   PJSC "TNK-BP Holding"  privileged       280 970   20
 vnip   VNIPIgazdobycha  ordinary       269 250     4
 silvp   Silvinit  privileged       254 278   17
 suce   PJSC "Sukholozhskcement"   ordinary       246 149     6
 tnbp   PJSC "TNK-BP Holding"  ordinary       236 511   22
 uuaz   JSC  "U-UAP"  ordinary       200 289   11