OREANDA-NEWS. The date of the decision of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals on the case of Scythian gold was postponed to a later date, since one of the judges was recalled.

It was expected that the court would announce on July 7 the date of the next hearing on the complaint of the Crimean museums.

“At present, the date of the decision on this case is unknown, since one of the judges was recalled again. The date of this hearing will be determined later; it will be considered in the Amsterdam Court of Appeal instead of the Hague Court of Appeal,” the court’s representative told journalists.

A collection of four Crimean museums, about 2 thousand artifacts, was taken to an exhibition at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam in February 2014, before Crimea reunited with Russia. In August 2014, a museum in the Netherlands decided not to transfer the exhibits to either Ukraine or the Crimea until a competent court considers the case or an agreement between the parties is reached.