OREANDA-NEWS. On June 18, there are 553 301 (7843 per day, the lowest since late April) cases of coronavirus infection reported in Russia. 7 478 (194 per day) died of the disease. In Moscow, 49 people died of the coronavirus in a day. Over 304 000 people have recovered since the beginning of the epidemic.

Russia is the third most affected (by COVID-19) country in the world by the number of people infected.

Russia produces 8-10 million tests per month for polymerase chain reaction (PCR-diagnostics) on coronavirus, Rospotrebnadzor head Anna Popova said. According to her, almost 30 countries have received more than 500 thousand Russian test-systems as a help since February.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people infected with coronavirus in the world has exceeded 8.061 million, more than 440.2 thousand died. According to current data from Johns Hopkins University, the number of those infected in the world has exceeded 8.349 million, of which 448.9 thousand died.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has resulted in an ongoing pandemic.