OREANDA-NEWS. The West is to blame for the deaths in Ukraine, refusing to close the sky over the country and help Kiev with planes, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video message published on the official Telegram channel. According to him, partners only promise help in the sky and planes, but they are delaying decision-making.

Responsibility for this (death of people) and for those who have not been able to make a decision for thirteen days, somewhere in the West, somewhere in the offices, is obviously a necessary decision,” Zelensky said.

The day before, the head of the US State Department, Anthony Blinken, explained why the airspace over Ukraine remains open. He said that the idea of ​​a no-fly zone had been discussed for a long time, but NATO countries did not want the conflict to expand into their territory. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in turn, noted that the consequences of such a move would be difficult to control.

Earlier, Zelensky said that he lost interest in the idea of ​​Ukraine joining NATO. According to him, this was facilitated by the understanding that the Alliance is not ready to accept the country, as it fears contradictions and confrontation with Russia.