OREANDA-NEWS. August 23, 2010. The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Tykhonov took part in the inauguration of new premises of the Kyiv-Sviatoshynskyi regional employment center.

"The main priority of government is the practical implementation of the Programme of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych for the state social policies aimed at improving the quality of the provision of social services and the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens on social protection" - Viktor Tykhonov said during his speach.

"Providing employment, we believe, is an important factor in economic recovery and all levels budgets filling " – the Vice Prime Minister said.

The official said that the Government was doing everything possible under current conditions to ensure the receipt of benefits to the vulnerable layers of population and employment of able-bodied citizens. This counts the simplification of the simplified system of subsidies for housing and communal services and dialogue with business to reduce regulatory and bureaucratic procedures.

Viktor Tykhonov congratulated those present on Independence Day and wished success in achieving the common goal - improving the welfare of our citizens.

The opening ceremony was also attended by the the chairman of Kyiv Regional State Administration Anatoliy Prysyajnyuk, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine Andrei Cherkasov, director of the Employment centre - Directorate of the Fund of obligatory public social insurance of Ukraine against unemployment Chief Executive Vladimir Galitsky, CEO of the Fund Oleg Shevchuk, director of the Kiev regional employment centre Vasily Yakobinchuk.