OREANDA-NEWS. April 22, 2008. For participating the specialists of the company together with Ministry of Agriculture and Supplies of Tatarstan Republic have prepared the required documentation (budget applications, calculations of financing sources, data on the sites, project inspections). Total cost of reconstruction of required electrical network village sites for 2008 constitutes 324 million 976 thousand rubles, including the funds from the Federal budget - 70 million 700 thousand rubles.

Federal target program of social development of the village till 2010 was adopted by the Government of Russia in 2002. The Program is targeted at development of social sphere and village infrastructure as well as expansion of labor market in the rural community and making the base for enhancing the prestige of living in the village. Program of village development stipulates improved living conditions for over 140 th. families. Besides the Program stipulates expansion of the network of the automobile roads, construction of additional and reconstruction of the existing objects of engineering infrastructure, including the electrical grid business of the rural districts.

In 2007 the JSC "Network Company" reconstructed the 25 village sites in amount of 237 million 469 thousand rubles, including the funds from the Federal budget - 48 million 377 thousand rubles. Among the upgraded sites are the electricity transmission lines and setup transformer substations practically in each rural districts of RT. The power engineering specialists work using the advanced technologies and the new generation of the cable- conductor products, electro-technical equipment, that allowed the power engineering specialists to considerably enhance the dependability of electricity supply to rural consumers.