OREANDA-NEWS. May 14, 2008. Annual national prize in management "The Best Manager of Russia", aimed at development of entrepreneurship and in support of president program of training the executives, was awarded to domestic leader in economy for second time. It is one of the popular nominations in project "Leaders of Economy of Russia", but is considered as separate award. The organizers are The Foundation for Business Support, Information – analytical agency "Rating", Trade Union of ASM RF, Russian Trade Union of workers from aviation industry, Russian Union of Commodity producers.

Among from the thirty thousand companies and organizations, which figures were studied for 2007 by experts from information – analytical agency "Rating", were selected around two hundred nominees. The laureate list includes 59 names of the mangers of the companies and organizations from various country regions.

In the opinion of the expert council, the nominees met the major criteria - their business develops successfully and is growing. . Apart from statistics, were considered the business and public standing of the company, its competitiveness, HR policy, social package. Criteria of assessment of managers are the knowledge of modern management methods and ability to get orientated in the changing conditions on the market, as well as the personal human qualities.

The ceremony of awarding the laureates was held on April 25 in Moscow "President Hotel". The laureates were awarded the diplomas and orders. The addresses came from the deputies of the State Duma, Council of Federation, European Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russian Land Union. In their speeches the officials were unanimous that the high appreciation of labor of executive is the necessity as in the present the business and personal qualities determine the success of each individual company and economy of Russia in general. Yuri Vladimirovich was the single representative of the power engineering industry among the six tens of the best managers of the country.