OREANDA-NEWS. On 09 July 2008 was announced, that the Moscow Construction Complex built 110,600 sq m of housing in northwest Moscow during the first half of 2008, Vladimir Resin, first deputy Moscow City Mayor, head of Moscow Construction Complex, said during the traditional Saturday perambulate through the building sites in the Russian capital on July 5.

Mr Resin reminded that the builders of Moscow erected 330,000 sq m of housing in northwest Moscow in 2007.

“We built 110,600 sq m of housing during two quarters of the current year in the northwestern part of the Russian capital,” the official noted. According to him, 95,000 sq m of living areas are to be put up in the northwestern administrative district of Moscow in the third quarter of 2008.

The first deputy city mayor of Moscow added that blocks 74-76 of Khoroshevo-Mnevniki township in northwest Moscow were under complex reconstruction.

“We set ourselves the task to complete these blocks in 2010,” Mr Resin said.

The head of the Moscow Construction Complex emphasized that all in all 515,700 sq m of housing were to be built in northwest Moscow in 2008. As concerns the social objects, 12 kindergartens, 2 comprehensive schools and 11 sports and fitness centres are to be erected in the district by 2009.