OREANDA-NEWS. August 15, 2008. A safety assessment commission has completed its inspection of Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant. The commission has assessed the plant’s protection against technogenic, natural and terrorist threats. The inspection has been carried out in line with the Government’s resolution “On Approval of the List of Critical Facilities of the Russian Federation.” The commission comprised representatives of the anti-terror commission of Bilibino district, Civil Defense and Emergency Department of Bilibino, Department of the Federal Security Service for Bilibino district and Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant.

The commissioners have pointed out that Bilibino NPP has a highly efficient emergency response system, exercises daily control of the ecological and radiation situation in its buffer and monitoring zones, modernizes its safety and emergency response systems, regularly trains its rescue and emergency response personnel, actively cooperates with the executive authorities and emergency forces of Chukotka Autonomous District.

The commission’s resolution says that Bilibino NPP is strongly protected against any technogenic, natural and terrorist threats.