OREANDA-NEWS. On 13 February 2009 was announced, that on 12 February, President Alexander Lukashenko met with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Belarus, Pyotr Miklashevich, to receive his report on the results of the Court’s performance in 2008. In 2008, the Court’s activity was aimed to ensure the supremacy of the Constitution, direct fulfilment of its provisions, protection of citizens’ rights and liberties. The Court issued more than 20 rulings on eliminating collisions and contradictions in the legislation of the republic. The rulings contained propositions to the Parliament and the Government to remedy defects in the effective enforceable legal enactments .

Last year, the Constitutional Court checked 102 laws passed by the House of Representatives and approved by the Council of the Republic. No contradictions were revealed in these laws. The Court fine-tuned the constitutional and legal meaning of certain laws in order to prevent unconstitutional ways of their enforcement.

The Head of State gave a positive assessment to the activity of the Constitutional Court in fulfilling Ordinance No 14, which gave the Court additional powers. It is proposed not to amend the national legislation for the time being in connection with the Ordinance. Following a period of testing and practical application of the Ordinance, it will be possible to prepare the appropriate changes to the Code regarding the judicial system and the status of judges, and adopt the Law ‘On Constitutional Judicature’.

The President also paid attention to the advisability of increasing the education effect of the judicial system, including through wider use of mass media, first of all television.