OREANDA-NEWS. October 25, 2010. Yandex helps users to find a job. Job seekers can now see the information about employment opportunities in their area right in Yandex’s search results. Job links returned in response to users’ queries include salary range for a desired position or the number of vacancies from a chosen employer.

Every day, Yandex users make about one million job-related searches like ‘job in Moscow’ or ‘manager vacancy’. To provide better results to this type of queries, Yandex launched Yandex.Jobs, a service designed for job seekers. Users of the service can search for vacancies by specific parameters such as salary, working hours or education requirements.

Yandex.Jobs is a job aggregator. It gathers in one central location job offers ranging from Courier to Vice President, and from Dancer to Mining Engineer, posted on the largest recruitment websites in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Currently, Yandex.Jobs shows 500,000 job offers from 121,000 employers.

Employers interested in promoting their vacancies to Yandex users can place their offers on one of recruitment websites partnering with the Yandex.Jobs service. The list of partner websites currently includes HeadHunter, Rabota@Mail.ru, Rabota.ru, RosRabota, SuperJob, Zarplata.ru and several of regional job search resources. Yandex encourages recruitment websites to participate in its partner program.