OREANDA-NEWS. February 7, 2012. Here are the results of manufacturing activity of Crimea Titan in 2011.

In particular, the output of products in physical terms is: titanium dioxide – 108 069 tons, that is 2 388 tons more than in 2010; monoammonium phosphate – 79 059 tons; sulphuric acid – 535 999 tons; red iron oxide pigments – 4 025 tons; aluminium sulphate – 2 044 tons; iron sulphate technical grade – 17 038 tons; ferrous sulphate heptahydrate – 32 082 tons.

The achieved results of manufacturing activity prove successful manufacturing activity of the company in 2011, and getting the exclusive awards proves the acknowledgement of important role of Crimea Titan in business life of Ukraine.